Take advantage of our Offers page on the website. You have the opportunity to host a competition and/or off a discount via the page. You can include a tracked link to your site for offers, quote a discount code or we can facilitate data collection through a form for give aways.
If you would like to feature on the Offers page, simply email us the following:
For show offer
- Offer Image: Min width = 660px | Min height = 300px | Max size = 1mb
- Offer Title: best to be kept show to aprx. 50 characters
- Offer Description: 400 characters max
- Offer link (can also be the company website)
For competition
- Competition title: best to be kept show to aprx. 50 characters
- Competition image: Min width 1000px | Min height 500px | Max size 1mb
- Competition description (short): 400 characters: Appears on the Show Offers page
- Competition description (full): No characters limit. Appears on the competition page
- Competition T&C: inc. deadline and any other competition specific rules
- What questions you would like to ask on the submission form (consider percentage of completion reduces the more questions that are asked..
If you have any queries, contact the show team.