September 22, 2024

An Autumn Reset – perfect time of year to get started

Photo of the author

Whilst I advocate for resetting your home at all times of the year there is a reason why at every season change we naturally feel ourselves drawn towards a reset. The warmth of the summer months (or lack there of…) are giving way to cooler, crisper weather – we are thinking about the cosy months ahead and how we need to reset our environment to be prepared.

As September starts our routines are changing. Kids return to school and extra curricular activities and this can be a transformational shift in the day to day lives of us and our families. We now need to consider shared calendars, lunchboxes, homework, sports, school drop offs and so many things that were a distant memory over the summer months.

A change in weather, routine and our innate need to spend the darker months hibernating there is no better time to look at resetting your space. Autumn symbolises change and new beginnings ,so mentally we are ready to reset and refresh at home, helping us to feel in control and ready for the busy months ahead.

Top Autumn reset tips

1)     Wardrobe rotation – now is the time to look at carrying out seasonal rotation on our wardrobes. Taking out the holiday clothes and storing away up high in the wardrobe and bringing back in our wools and knits. You want to ensure that when you open your wardrobe you are faced with clothing that you love, need and have space for. Resetting your wardrobe to allow for quick decision making on this busy school mornings.

2)     Back to school routines – in order to counteract the madness that ensues with back to school and the changes to our daily routines compared to our laid back summer months we need to make the mornings and the evenings easier:

a.      Family calendar – make it visible and ideally in the kitchen, the heart of the home

b.      Breakfast & lunchbox station – can the kids independently get their breakfast made and lunchbox filled – depending on their age we can start good habits by ensuring items are accessible for them and so encouraging their involvement.

c.      Homework station – I have used this for years in my kitchen – everything my kids will need in the evenings to complete their homework – all stationary in one handy box so no mad dash for a pencil sharpener!

3)     We need to rethink our spaces and where our pain points are – in my home it is certainly was the hallway – everything was getting dumped at the door – so we identified the need for a reset and implemented a simple organised system. Now under our stairs we have storage to contain shoes, schoolbags, sports gear and accessories. We’re swapping out suncream for gloves and sunglasses for woolly hats but the system remains the same. Everything we need quickly on our way out the door and when we return has a place and so no need to be falling over a shoe collection in the hall. Encourage the whole family to follow the system.

4)     Swap our summer items for winter – swap outdoor party supplies for more wintery blankets and throws to get ready for what’s ahead. We’ll bring back in our log basket from the shed at this time of year so that we’re ready for those colder nights.

Autumn is truly the perfect time to reset and refresh our homes in line with the changing seasons.

Join me at The Clean & Tidy Home Show in October where I will provide detailed insights into the power of a reset – what it truly means to fully reset your space and how it can transform your home.

Whilst I advocate for resetting your home at all times of the year there is a reason why at every season change we naturally feel ourselves drawn towards a reset. The warmth of the summer months (or lack there of…) are giving way to cooler, crisper weather – we are thinking about the cosy months ahead and how we need to reset our environment to be prepared.

As September starts our routines are changing. Kids return to school and extra curricular activities and this can be a transformational shift in the day to day lives of us and our families. We now need to consider shared calendars, lunchboxes, homework, sports, school drop offs and so many things that were a distant memory over the summer months.

A change in weather, routine and our innate need to spend the darker months hibernating there is no better time to look at resetting your space. Autumn symbolises change and new beginnings ,so mentally we are ready to reset and refresh at home, helping us to feel in control and ready for the busy months ahead.

Top Autumn reset tips

1)     Wardrobe rotation – now is the time to look at carrying out seasonal rotation on our wardrobes. Taking out the holiday clothes and storing away up high in the wardrobe and bringing back in our wools and knits. You want to ensure that when you open your wardrobe you are faced with clothing that you love, need and have space for. Resetting your wardrobe to allow for quick decision making on this busy school mornings.

2)     Back to school routines – in order to counteract the madness that ensues with back to school and the changes to our daily routines compared to our laid back summer months we need to make the mornings and the evenings easier:

a.      Family calendar – make it visible and ideally in the kitchen, the heart of the home

b.      Breakfast & lunchbox station – can the kids independently get their breakfast made and lunchbox filled – depending on their age we can start good habits by ensuring items are accessible for them and so encouraging their involvement.

c.      Homework station – I have used this for years in my kitchen – everything my kids will need in the evenings to complete their homework – all stationary in one handy box so no mad dash for a pencil sharpener!

3)     We need to rethink our spaces and where our pain points are – in my home it is certainly was the hallway – everything was getting dumped at the door – so we identified the need for a reset and implemented a simple organised system. Now under our stairs we have storage to contain shoes, schoolbags, sports gear and accessories. We’re swapping out suncream for gloves and sunglasses for woolly hats but the system remains the same. Everything we need quickly on our way out the door and when we return has a place and so no need to be falling over a shoe collection in the hall. Encourage the whole family to follow the system.

4)     Swap our summer items for winter – swap outdoor party supplies for more wintery blankets and throws to get ready for what’s ahead. We’ll bring back in our log basket from the shed at this time of year so that we’re ready for those colder nights.

Autumn is truly the perfect time to reset and refresh our homes in line with the changing seasons.

Join me at The Clean & Tidy Home Show in October where I will provide detailed insights into the power of a reset – what it truly means to fully reset your space and how it can transform your home.

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