Heather Tingle

Heather Tingle

APDO member

Heather Tingle has been a member of APDO since 2016. She has delivered training on Clutter and Neurodivergence for two national charities, is a declutter expert for local BBC Radio, has a top 5% globally popular podcast and her Declutter Planner was an Amazon Best Seller. 

Heather is a proud Autistic and ADHDer so knows first hand the link between neurodivergence and clutter. A naturally messy person herself, she thrives on creating systems that work for real families and uses her trademarked PAVES System to do this. 

When she isn’t working Heather can be found on the sofa drinking copious amounts of tea, or out walking in the Peak District, or trying to relax watching Netflix whilst a kitten hangs off her foot.

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