Jeanette Lynge Nielsen

Jeanette Lynge Nielsen

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Jeanette Lynge Nielsen, 50 years old, married for 23 years, mother of 4 adult children and soon grandmother to 7 grandchildren.

I was the first serious cleaning influencer in Denmark and have spent a little over 6 years making it normal to showcase cleaning on social media. is my Instagram profile with more than 51,000 followers, my Facebook page with more than 18,000 followers, and a website with an online membership club with several hundred members.

Husmortip means tips related to the housewife profession, and I have worked so hard to change the stigma associated with the word. I am passionate about showing that you can do a lot with a little, and natural products are the best.

Over the past year, I have delved into probiotics, for example, my homemade ginger bug that has transformed my health, and in cleaning, where it has had a hugely positive impact on my home, health, and the environment without causing harm—quite the opposite.

I am so excited to experience the Clean & Tidy Home Show, and I am very proud that you want to listen to me. I am so excited to meet you all, soak in all the impressions, and hopefully get the chance to meet and talk with a lot of wonderful cleaning nerds like myself.

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