Jess Nicks

Jess Nicks

Creator of the Debitch Your Brain™ and M-Power Methodologies

Jess is a certified coach and EFT and NLP Master practitioner and is the creator of the Debitch Your Brain™ and M-Power Methodologies.

High-energy and passionate, she’s on a quest to help women break free of the unhelpful narratives dictated to them by their inner critics - their bitches. She passionately believes women can live happier in their own skin, maximising more of their potential - if they get out of their own way! Ultimately that all starts at home, with the relationship you have with your Self.

With her unique take on self-development she helps women empower themselves to conquer their minds, becoming mentally fit and flexible by learning to self-coach and to harness the power of their unlimited potential.

Jess spent 22 years working in music, media and advertising in a variety of creative roles. She left her 7 year stint as head of a sales team for a global music publisher in December 24 to go ALL-IN with what she was born to do: this!

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