Paul Calver

Paul Calver

Sleep Coach | Elite Sleeping

Personal Journey

A coder in tech for over 30 years, with more than a decade in startups where “burnout is a badge of honour”.

Was a card carrying member of the “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” gang, until burning out and suffering with obesity, high cholesterol, NAFLD, chronic stress & anxiety.

Studied for Nutrition, Sleep & Stress management certifications, applying the training to myself and quickly restoring myself to full health.

Am now focusing on Sleep Coaching & Consulting, working with individuals, corporate wellness programmes and the hospitality industry.


Embracing Sleep For Performance & Profit 💤 → 💰
Chronoworking - working with your chronotype
Alcohol, Caffeine & Other Sleep Thieves
Sleep Is Good For Your 🍆 (mid life men, sleep & testosterone)

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